Международный Институт XXI Века



Программа практических занятий по курсу Английский язык

Уровень Elementary




Программа составлена: доц. Шварц Е.Д., преп. Шварц А.А.,

 преп. Соколова-Гальперн П.С.




Данная программа предназначена для студентов, начинающих изучать английский язык (Beginners/False Beginners не изучавших английский язык вообще/ изучавших но не овладевших языком), уровень которых определен как Elementary.  Согласно учебному плану курс обучения рассчитан на один семестр (18 недель), завершается зачетом, на который выносятся все темы, пройденные во время занятий в форме письменной (тесты и сочинения) и устной (в виде презентаций и собеседования по пройденным темам) проверки усвоенного материала за семестр. Курс обучения предполагает овладение элементарным уровнем знания английского письменного и разговорного. На протяжении всего обучения студенты приобретают  навыки чтения, говорения, аудирования, письма. Преподавание ведется по оригинальным современным англо-американским учебникам, на занятиях и для самостоятельной работы студентов используются  дополнительные оригинальные материалы, взятые из современных зарубежных источников. Курс обучения разработан с учетом последующего продолжения изучения студентами английского языка и прохождению всех уровней (Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced) и подготовки к экзамену TOEFL.

Курс предполагает использование в качестве основного учебного пособия New Headway English Course (Elementary level). Учебные материалы включают:  Students Book, Workbook, audiotapes, internet supplementary materials to the course. В качестве дополнительных используются аудио, видео и литературные материалы, активизирующие процесс обучения и способствующие расширению вокабуляра и тематического спектра, соответствующего специализации студентов.



Week 1                       Lesson1           Headway: Unit 1, Murphy: Units 1, 59

                                                           Grammar: to be (positives and questions); Possessive                                                             adjectives; question words (where, what, and how); a/an/plural

                                                           Vocabulary: alphabet, countries, everyday objects, numbers

                                                           Skills work: reading and writing, listening and speaking                                                                       (introducing yourself)

                                                           Writing: Nationality adjectives

                                   Lesson 2          Headway: Unit 2, Murphy: Unit 2, 59, 65

                                                           Grammar: to be (questions and negatives); Possessives;

                                                           Vocabulary: family, common adjectives and                                                                            their opposites, in a cafe

                                                           Skills work: reading and listening (a letter from America)

                                                           Writing:  Plural nouns, letters

Week 2                       Lesson 3          Headway: Unit 3, Murphy: Unit 5

                                                           Grammar: Present Simple 1

                                                           Vocabulary: jobs

                                                           Skills work: speaking (different jobs)

                                   Lesson 4          Headway: Unit 3, Murphy: Units 6, 7, 58

                                                           Grammar: Present Simple 1, object pronouns

                                                           Vocabulary: everyday verbs, time

                                                           Writing: third person singular

                                                           Skills work: Reading and listening (Seumas McSporran)

Week 3                       Lesson 5          Headway: Unit 4, Murphy: Unit 58

                                                           Grammar: Present Simple 2

                                                           Vocabulary: opposite verbs, leisure activities

                                                           Skills work: speaking (a questionnaire - how do you live)

                                                           Writing: a questionnaire

                                   Lesson 6          Headway: Unit 4, Murphy: Review (Units 5, 6, 7)

                                                           Grammar: Present Simple 2 (revision)

                                                           Vocabulary: leisure activities, seasons, months, weekdays, Im                                                           sorry, Excuse me? Pardon?, prepositions of time

                                                           Skills work: reading and listening (favourite seasons)

                                                           Writing: An informal letter (to a penfriend)

Week 4                       Lesson 7          Headway: Unit 5, Murphy: Units 36, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,                                                            104

                                                           Grammar: There is/are, How many?,

                                                           Vocabulary: prepositions of place, rooms, household goods

                                                           Skills work: speaking and listening (differences between                                                                     pictures)


                                   Lesson 8          Headway: Unit 5, Murphy: Units 73, 75, 109

                                                           Grammar: some/any, this/that/these/those, linking words

                                                           Vocabulary: parts of a plane, places, whats in your bag,                                                                    Directions 1(Is there near here? Yes, its over there)

                                                           Skills work: speaking and listening

                                                           Writing: where you live, practice of linking words

Week 5                       Lesson 9          Headway: Unit 6, Murphy: Units 10, 11, 12, 31

                                                           Grammar: Past Simple 1 (was/were), can/cant

                                                           Vocabulary: focus on words that sound the same but have a                                                    different spelling and meaning

                                                           Skills work: speaking (what you can do)


                                   Lesson 10        Headway: Unit 6, Murphy: Units: 11, 12, 31

                                                           Grammar: Past Simple 1 (was born), could

                                                           Vocabulary: words that go together

                                                           Skills work: reading and speaking (Super Kids)

                                                           Writing: formal letters 1 (applying for a job)


Week 6                       Lesson 11        Headway: Unit 7, Murphy: Units 12, 31

                                                           Grammar: Past Simple1 (regular/irregular verbs)

                                                           Vocabulary: focus on verbs

                                                           Skills work: speaking (What did you do? When did it happen?)


                                   Lesson 12        Headway: Unit 7, Murphy: Unit 31

                                                           Grammar: Past Simple 1, time expressions

                                                           Vocabulary: words with silent letters, expressions for special                                                   occasions (Happy Birthday, Happy New Year)

                                                           Skills work: reading and speaking (Two famous firsts)

                                                           Writing: your last holiday

Week 7                       Lesson 13        Headway: Unit 8, Murphy: Review

Grammar: Past Simple 2 (question forms and negatives), ago

Skills work: reading and listening (three inventors); speaking (incredible information)


                                   Lesson 14                    Headway: Unit 8

                                                                       Grammar: Past Simple 2, time expressions (year, month,                                                                   day, time)

                                                                       Vocabulary: dates (Whats the date?), relationships

Skills work: listening and reading (How did you two meet?)

                                                                       Writing: linking words, my old friend


Week 8                        Lesson 15                   Review 

                                    Lesson 16                    Mid-term exam


Week 9                       Lesson 17                   Headway: Unit 9, Murphy: Units 64, 65, 66, 67

                                                                       Grammar: Count and uncount nouns, do you like?

                                                                       would you like??

Vocabulary: Food and drink

Skills work My favourite food, food around the world, Meals in your country

Lesson 18                   Headway: Unit 9, Murphy: Units 66, 67

Grammar: a and some, much and many

Vocabulary: Shops and shopping, polite requests

Writing: Formal letters


Week 10                      Lesson 19                   Headway: Unit 10, Murphy: Units 86, 87, 88, 89

Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives

Vocabulary: City and country adjectives

Skills work Ive got more than you, three musical cities, talking about your town

                                     Lesson 20                  Headway: Unit 10, Murphy: Units 9, 57

Grammar: Have got

Vocabulary: City and town nouns, Directions

Writing: your capital city


Week 11                      Lesson 21                   Headway: Unit 11, Murphy: Units 3,4,8

Grammar: Present Continuous

Vocabulary: Clothes, describing people

Skills work Whos at the party, What a wonderful world

                                     Lesson 22                  Headway: Unit 11, Murphy: Units 60, 61

Grammar: Whose is it, possessive pronouns

Vocabulary: Words that rhyme, phonetic symbols,                 tongue twisters, in the clothes shop

Writing: Describing people


Week 12                       Lesson 23                  Headway: Unit 12, Murphy: Units 26, 27

Grammar: Going to

Vocabulary: Dangerous sports

Skills work: Interviews with people, who did dangerous sports

                                   Lesson 24                    Headway: Unit 12, Murphy: Units 50, 51

Grammar: Infinitive of purpose

Vocabulary: Weather, making suggestions

Writing: Writing a  postcard


Week 13                     Lesson 25                    Headway: Unit 13, Murphy: Units 43, 44, 45, 46, 47

Grammar: Question forms

Vocabulary: Describing feelings

Skills work: Noises in the night, a story in a story, the tale of horribly good Bertha

                                    Lesson 26                   Headway: Unit 13, Murphy: Units 84, 85

Grammar: adverbs and adjectives

Vocabulary: Catching a train

Writing: Writing a story


Week 14                    Lesson 27                    Headway: Unit 14, Murphy: Units 15, 16, 17, 18

Grammar: Present perfect

Vocabulary: Past participles

Skills work: Things you have done, how to live to be, Leaving on a jet plane

                                   Lesson 28                    Headway: Unit 14, Murphy: Units 19, 20

Grammar: Present Perfect and Past Simple

Vocabulary: At the airport

Writing: Writing a thank you letter


Week 15                    Lesson 29                    Headway: Review Units 1 14


                                               Lesson 30                    Murphy: Review


Week 16                     Lesson 31                    Revision of   topics for discussion, vocabulary, grammar

                                   Lesson 32                    Tests on vocabulary, grammar from all the units studied


Week 17                     Lesson 33                    Written paper (Essay)

                                   Lesson 34                    Oral presentation



Week 18                     Lesson 35                    Revision TEST

Lesson 36                   F I NA L   T E S T - ЗАЧЕТ












  1. Liz & John Soars. New Headway. English Course. Elementary Students Book. Oxford University Press.
  2. Liz & John Soars. New Headway. English Course. Elementary Work Book. Oxford University Press.
  3. Liz & John Soars. New Headway. English Course. Elementary Teachers Book. Oxford University Press.
  4. R. Murphy. English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students (Elementary).  Cambridge University Press.
  5. Louise Hashemi with Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises. Cambridge University Press.
  6. Svetlana Titova. Brush up your English. Moscow State University.
  7. Cliffs TOEFL. Preparation Guide.
  8. TOEFL. Different year editions + computer versions.
  9. Ю.Б. Курасовская. Пособие по английскому языку. Москва Альянс-В, 2000.
  10. Ю.Б. Курасовская. Вступительный экзамен по английскому языку для поступающих в МГУ. Москва Диалог МГУ, 1998.



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